Complex Cashflow Planning

Why invest? Investing makes your money work for you. It’s the trade off between using money now, and having that money generate ‘more’ later.

Simple or complex?

Complex cashflow planning differs from simple cashflow planning in the planning outcomes we are able to deliver. They are more refined, give clearer indications of the likelihood of certain outcomes and can take into account more variables when projecting into the future.

Scenario planning

Simple cashflow planning allows a linear projection model that takes into account lots of relevant factors and some limited scenarios. The advanced scenario planning tools of complex cashflow planning allow us to look at the outcomes of ‘what if’ scenarios. This is a very powerful tool and correspondingly has a greater need for input data, time and expertise to accurately model future outcomes.

How much do I need?

  • Accurate Cashflow Planning gives you indicative figures to work towards.

  • You can predict and measure progress in your financial plan each year.

What could change in your life?

Sometimes it is difficult to predict which scenarios you wish to model and the likelihood of those scenarios occurring. We have gathered initial scenarios for you to discuss with your Adviser.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax advice or trusts or cash flow modelling.

Your personalised cashflow plan

Read more about how to identify your personalised goals and how a simple cashflow model is set up.

What is the history of Westminster Wealth Management?

Through our rich and long history, we have developed tailored expertise of the highest quality. Read more about us and our core values.

Who are our Independent Financial Advisers?

With our wide range of different IFA’s we can offer a tailored experience to suit your needs.