US Connected Clients

Why invest? Investing makes your money work for you. It’s the trade off between using money now, and having that money generate ‘more’ later.

US connected individuals

At Westminster Wealth Management, we have experts who specialise in helping Individuals connected to the United States who are living or working in the UK to manage their UK Assets in line with their American Tax Reporting requirements or other special circumstances.

Our experts have years of experience working with many high profile US connected clients. This means that any advice you receive will be in line with the tax and legal requirements and limitations you will be faced with. We regularly work with dual jurisdiction tax specialists and legal professionals in order to support our clients with US links. When you are working with our experts, you are working with the best. Offering you a consistent service and delivering excellence, without compromise.

Compliant and Tax Efficient Investment planning is a core service for our US linked clients. We recognise that virtually all individuals will have a continued US tax filling requirement and their investments held must be tax compliant in line with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

Individuals connected to the United States are granted access to individual stocks, bonds, US registered Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and mutual funds; all of which need to have dual reporting status. Any investment strategies recommended will be based upon your circumstances and financial objectives. Our experts will be able to create a plan which focuses on your goals as well as keeping in line with the restrictions you may face.

Due to the restrictions the US places on individuals working and saving abroad, many UK pension providers will not want to support US connected individuals at retirement, which can make accessing benefits very difficult. Our fully flexible whole of market pension service can provide retirement planning before and through the entirety of your later years. Currency solutions are also available within UK pension schemes to hold monies in pounds, euros or dollars.

Other international services - Limitations and jurisdictions

As a British financial services firm, we can only help those who spend a significant amount of  time in the UK and who hold significant UK assets. Whilst we would like to help each client who contacts us we are conscious that there are restrictions in place which would not allow us to deliver the same level of service that we can off er to those in the UK. When assessing your situation, we consider a number of factors; the services you need, the cost of investing and the risk you are prepared to accept.

Past performance is not a guide to, nor does it guarantee, future performance. You should be aware that the value of an investment can fall as well as rise and that investors may not get back the amount they invested. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax advice or trusts.

Exchange rates can experience significant and unpredictable fluctuations, and may impact the value of your pension when denominated in foreign currencies.

What can we do for you ?

Read more about our wide range of offered services and how we can help you.

What is the history of Westminster Wealth Management?

Through our rich and long history, we have developed tailored expertise of the highest quality. Read more about us and our core values.

Who are our Independent Financial Advisers?

With our wide range of different IFA’s we can offer a tailored experience to suit your needs.